Tough days never seem to be ending. And tough times come in the way of each and every person sooner or later. I do not know any successful and great personality who can claim of not having had tough times in life. Hence, if one tries to take tough days as an opportunity to concentrate on one’s goals, then the difficult days would fly faster. Moreover, one will be able to diminish the negative effects of difficult time.
A good way is to follow on one’s hobbies that can be anything like enhancing education, pursuing a vocational course, painting, and writing, singing or joining hobby classes. That means doing the things in your wish list as well as finding a good way to while off the blues. Surely, everyone has some or the other quality, perhaps suppressed because of busy lifestyle and schedule. So, just bring those wishes, hobbies etc.
out from the box, clean them, polish them, decorate them and turn them into remarkable achievements of your life. When tough time comes, there are always two options: One is to pamper the difficulty by getting affected by the circumstances, cribbing to lose liveliness, charm, health and even life; and the other is to take it as a challenge and a chance to become a stronger, experienced and a mature person.
The choice is definitely ours and our future and everything in life depends on our choice. Handling of difficult times with positive strength gives one the power and the ability to face them and come out a winner. What is needed is that one has to have a clear vision and the ability to understand that there is no difficulty that can’t have a solution. Once one gets this kind of ‘understanding’, one sees nothing impossible; only that one has to work hard with great zeal. And, the beauty in it is that once you do it, the rest of the difficulties in life seem to be only ‘minor irritants’.
By Rajni Wadhwa