12th International Exclusive Beauty Pageant
Miss WORLD PANJABAN 2015 Grand Finale in Mid MARCH 2015 – LIVE on Popular Punjabi Chanel Auditions/Semi Final in Feburary 2015 at Ludhiana
WILD CARD ENTRY RUSH YOUR ENTRY NOW and get chance to participate in Miss WORLD PANJABAN 2015 Download ENTRY FORM, Fill it and Send us before 10th FEBURARY 2015 at our Ludhiana (India) address. ONLINE Registration is not acceptable for WILD CARD ENTRY
Applicants from out of India:- Beside hard Copy of ENTRY FORM, Please send Biodata, latest Photos and own Dance Video on Email: jasmerdhatt@gmail.com
For latest updates please follow us: www.facebook.com/missworldpunjabanONLINE