Chandigarh, 15th September 2023 (Punjabi Teshan) Recently, the new poster for the film “Parinda Paar Geya” was revealed. Gurnam Bhullar’s appearance is also made known. Gurnam Bhulaar will appear in this film as an unique and different avatar, as can be seen in the poster. Alternatively, you can view the poster by visiting the following link:-
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The lead actors in the film are Gurnam Bhullar and Roopi Gill, according to the movie’s credits. Aside from that, this film will serve as an introduction to Isha Sharma and Gurnazar Chatha. Gurnam Bhullar, Roopi Gill,Gurnazar Chatha, Isha Sharma, and Babar Khan will all appear in this film. This film’s plot was written by Dheeraj Kedarnath Rattan. Thaparr also wrote the dialogue and the screenplay. Lalit Sahoo is the film’s DOP in addition to this.
For instance, Ksshitij Chaudhary, a well-known figure in the Punjabi entertainment industry, is the director of “Parinda Paar Geya.” Producers of this film are Gurpreet Singh Goga, Jaswinder Toor, Jagdeep Rehal, and Ravi Dhillon. Under the name GS Goga Productions in Association with RRG Motion Pictures, in the meantime.
White Hill Studios will distribute this film all over the world. As we can see from the poster, the movie’s release date is also disclosed. On November 3rd, 2023, “Parinda Paar Geya” will be released in theatres. Therefore, tell us in the comment section how eager you are to see this movie. Keep checking Punjabi Teshan for additional updates……………………